Happy 2022!

Welcome 2022.

A new year brings new hopes, new dreams and new intentions.  But before we embark upon all that 2022 holds, we reflect upon the blessings, challenges, learnings and growth we experienced in 2021.  THANK YOU to our loyal customers and our hard-working team for a wonderful year.

2022 marks our 25th anniversary as "Your Personal Pharmacy."  We opened our original apothecary in 1997 with a pledge to your family:  a connection to our pasta care for our community, and a commitment to our future.

In 2012, we opened our second location with a desire to serve beyond your family's healthcare needs. We are here for every celebration:  a birthday, a new baby, a new home, a holiday, the everyday occasions that fill our lives with joy.

 In 2021, our community grew as we launched our website, and today, we reaffirm those original vows to all of you:  a connection to our pasta care for our community, and our greatest debt--a commitment to our future.  

Each New Year, I am reminded of just how fleeting time is.  The days are long, but the years are short.  We look forward to celebrating this year with all of you, near and far, at Darby's.


Happy New Year!

Sarah Darby Wright